Sleep Apnea Can Be Dangerous if Left Untreated

Sleep apnea in Alabaster AL causes people to stop breathing during sleep, sometimes as often as 100 times per hour. Apnea, which means loss of breath, usually occurs for a few seconds at a time. Because of this, some people do not even know that they have this condition.

Longer periods of breathlessness that leave you gasping for breath are also common. These longer periods of apnea can last up to two minutes. Although sleep apnea is not always preventable, simple lifestyle changes can improve its symptoms dramatically.

Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Below is an extensive list of symptoms commonly associated with sleep apnea. However, having a few of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have this disorder. We encourage you to ask your doctor for a sleep study referral if you notice several of these symptoms and they interfere with your daily functioning.

  • Cognitive difficulties, including memory loss and focusing problems
  • Daytime fatigue and/or irritability
  • Grinding your teeth at night
  • Having to get up to use the bathroom a lot during the night
  • Loud snoring
  • Morning headaches
  • Sore throat and/or dry mouth each morning
  • Sweating during sleep
  • Waking up gasping for breath, with or without a startle reflex

The first thing to do if you suspect that you have sleep apnea is visit your primary physician for a complete exam. Since primary care doctors are not experts in sleep disorders, you can ask your doctor for a referral to Alabama Dental Sleep and Wellness. Unfortunately, ignoring the problem can lead to serious health consequences like cognitive decline, stroke, heart disease, chronic high blood pressure, and several others.

What to Expect During Your Sleep Study

When you come to our clinic for a sleep study, a technician places three sensors on your body to determine brain, heart, and eye activity. Each of these sensors provides important clues about how you experience sleep apnea. You will also wear a breathing sensor, pulse oximeter, and respiratory belt.

After you leave in the morning, the technicians working with you prepare a report of their findings. We will reach out to discuss the result of your testing forsleep apnea in Alabaster AL and offer treatment recommendations as soon as one of our doctors has reviewed the report.


How Can I Tell If I Have Sleep Apnea?

You may have heard about the dangers of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can increase your risk of various conditions like heart disease and stroke. It’s important to find out when you have sleep apnea. Your dentist in Alabaster, AL can help.

At Alabama Dental Sleep and Wellness, our dental experts can help you identify when you’re suffering from sleep apnea and can help you decide what needs to be done. We offer sleep apnea treatment that can control your snoring and help facilitate good breathing while you sleep.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition that causes people to stop breathing while they sleep. Often, this happens to people because the muscles in their mouth and throat relax so much that the airway is covered. When this happens, the person wakes briefly enough to start breathing again, and the process starts over.

What Are the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you may experience:

  • Extreme daytime tiredness, even when you slept 8 hours the night before.
  • Loud, disruptive snoring.
  • Waking periodically at night gasping for breath.
  • Depression or mood swings.
  • Difficulty focusing.
  • Mouth is dry upon waking.

In addition, your spouse or bed partner may have reported that you stop breathing at night. People who have sleep apnea often don’t know they snore loudly or stop breathing unless someone tells them.

If you think you may have sleep apnea, the first step is to get a diagnosis from a professional.

What Should I Do If I Have Sleep Apnea?

If you have sleep apnea, it’s important to get sleep apnea treatment in Alabaster, AL. Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition. People who suffer from sleep apnea rarely sleep well enough. This can make them unfocused and accident-prone. In addition, people who suffer from sleep apnea are at greater risk for conditions like heart disease.

For many patients, a mouth guard is sufficient to hold open the airway and stop the snoring. This can improve quality of life, improve quality of sleep, and can stop disruptive snoring. To learn more, call Alabama Dental Sleep and Wellness today.

Why Do I Snore So Loud?

Soft snoring is a normal thing that people do sometimes while sleeping, but really frequent, loud snoring can be a sign of a problem. If you snore really loudly, you may need help from a sleep doctor in Alabaster, AL.

At Alabama Dental Sleep and Wellness, we help patients manage their snoring so they (and other members of their families) can get a good night’s rest. If you snore loudly at night, here’s what you need to know.

What Causes Loud Snoring?

Loud snoring is typically caused by a condition called sleep apnea. If you have sleep apnea, you repeatedly stop breathing while you sleep, then wake up very briefly to start breathing again.

Most people with sleep apnea experience this problem because the muscles in their throat relax so much that parts of their airway become closed off. Some people with sleep apnea experience this problem because their brain stops sending signals to breathe while sleeping.

How Can I Stop Snoring?

There isn’t a silver bullet for treating sleep apnea. Different people respond to different types of treatment. For many people, losing weight and cutting down on drinking before bedtime can help. Many people also respond positively to dental oral appliances that help open the airway to promote better breathing. Either way, working with an expert can help.

If you’re snoring in Alabaster, AL, getting help is important. Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition that can put you at higher risk for heart problems and other complications. In addition, sleep apnea can leave you feeling tired all the time, even when you’ve had a full night’s sleep. See the sleep doctor in Alabaster, AL, for help.